Jacqui Senn is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in Massachusetts. She is a woman who is acquainted with physical, financial, and emotional challenges. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2007 and underwent surgery and follow up treatment. At the same time, she went through a divorce and faced financial difficulties raising her two children with intermittent support from the father of her two children. She was employed as a Certified Nursing Assistant until 2018. She raised her two children and assisted them both as they graduated High School and College. Jacqui decided in 2017 to apply to Cambridge College for acceptance into their master’s Program for Counseling. She worked a full- time job as a Mental Health Specialist, attended School full-time and engaged in an internship.
Jacqui graduated with her Masters in 2019 from Cambridge College and was hired as a group Clinician on an inpatient unit. In 2022, she transitioned into the Crisis Team in the Emergency Room where she works as a Lead Clinician performing psychiatric evaluations that help determine the next level of care. She also maintains an outpatient Therapy practice Inner-Balance Counseling. Jacqui has co-authored with influencers on Linkedin. She is a Motivational Speaker who shares her insights on success professionally, professionally, and how maintaining good self- care starts with a belief system.